Thursday, 26 April 2012

Craft Time

So i have really been into this pinterest site lately:) (well since i got my account, haha) I have done many things that I have seen on the site. & still have many many more things to get done that I have seen on the site! So excited, & ready for some free time to get it done, haha. 

The latest project I did from pinterest was painting 3 canvas'. In my opinion I think they turned out good, since I am by far an artist, haha. (on the site that i pinned them from the paintings are about $25 a piece) I on the other hand only paid about $14 for them all:P
This was the pinterest picture:)

Supplies...  3 canvas', paint brushes, sponge brushes, &
paint (your color choice)

sketch out what you want on it (with a pencil)
do it light enough that i can be erased w/o problems.

paint the background part first:)
(i used sponge brush on all but words)
then paint the design!

This is them after all painted:)

Unless you are just AMAZING, I suggest that you take a pencil & write on the canvas once paint is dry. & then paint the verse & reference on them:) MAKE SURE IT IS DRY!!

before i painted the verse:)
I was so nervous to paint the verse on them, I thought
I was going to mess up!

my work station, haha!
(middle of living room & of course with my cell phone)

 SO EXCITED!! They will be hanging in my room:)   since I had an extra canvas, I even painted another anchor one, but it has a border on it, it is white border with pink & black polka dots & then the sides are black & pink stripes! But it has the same verse!

Raylee Nikole's FIRST BIRTHDAY

I had the opportunity to take a friends baby girls first birthday party pictures! 

I had a blast doing it, & was happy that I got asked to do it. Here are some snapshots from it...

Raylee's Birthday Cake.

Raylee got excited about this gift:)

hat & decoration made by Tori (Raylee's Mommy)

made by Tori!
Princess is 1!!

Raylee Nikole

Super Star   <:

Miss Priss:)

Cutest Idea!

Smash cake, all smashed up!
Time Capsule!